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Treasures of Siam

拍必打 Phra Pidta

Phra Pidta

1. The oldest Pidta found in Thailand, Sukhothai period, Wat Tai Yang, Pidta Tai Yan

2. Top 5 metal Pidta, Wat Molee, Luang Phor Jud, 2420-2430, Pidta Rae Bang Phai

3. Top 5 special metal Pidta, Wat An Nong, Luang Phor Tub, 2450, Pidta Makkaphat

4. Wat Pakong, Luang Phor Suk, 2460, Pidta Takrut

In the Thai Buddhist talisman culture, Phra Pidta is one of the best-known talismans, providing impervious protection from one’s enemies, weapons, necromancy, malevolent spirits, and perils to wears.

The iconography of Phra Pidta is depicted in 2-arms, 4-arms, or 6-arms, sitting in a half-lotus or full lotus meditative sitting position, covering his entire face with his hands. This “face-covering” feature connotes the supernatural power attained through Samadhi, or a state of intense concentration achieved through Buddhist’s meditative practices that gain control of the six senses—vision, hearing, olfaction, taste, touch, and thought.

The earliest and oldest Phra Pidta was found in Wat Tai Yang in the Chainat Province known as Phra Pidta Tai Yang. Made during the Sukhothai period, Phra Pidta Tay Yang is highly prized for its historical value as it reflects the existence of Buddhist nuns in the Sukhothai period in the image of an amulet.

To date, we see a blossoming of Phra Pidta amulets created by different Luang Phors and Ajans in Thailand. Many collectors have classified these Phra Pidta into different categories according to their power. The most effective and rare Phra Pidtas have even classified into the best top 5 metal Pidtas and the best top 5 powder Pidtas.


圖一 : 泰國最古老必打 屈泰恩 術可泰皇朝

圖二: 五大金屬必打 屈麼利 龍婆疾 佛歷2420年-30年 必打呢班排

圖三:五大特別金屬 屈銀朗 龍婆塔 佛歷2450年 必打咩架蝕

圖四: 屈白礦 龍普蜀 佛歷2460年 符管必打 鉛質




時至今日,由術可泰皇朝至今已經有七百多年,歷代不同的朝代亦有出現過,而當中有很多不同的名師製作過,尤其近百多年更加是百花齊放,所以在近代亦有列入很多不同名師製作之必打為頂級系列,當中包括有 五大金屬必打 、五大粉質必打 以及 五大特別金屬必打等等。

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