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暹邏瑰寶,稀世奇珍。Gems of SiamThe Bequeathed Gifts from the Hierophants of KampangphetCenter

Treasures of Siam

暹邏瑰寶,稀世奇珍。 Gems of Siam

The Bequeathed Gifts from the Hierophants of Kampangphet

Center: Phra Leela Kru Kampang Top 2: Phra Nghi Nam Oy Kru Kampang Bottom 2: Phra Na It Kru Kampang

For viewing only. Items have been sold to a private collector.

The art and craftsmanship of Kampangphet votive tablets can be traced back to at least 600 years ago. Among these artistic portrayals, Phra Somkor (Buddha seated in a meditative pose with a flame-like halo background) and Pra Leela (Buddha in a sway-like walking pose) are classified as Benjapakee.

A gold plaque with inscriptions was discovered at the Central Temple--Wat Borommahathat with the inscriptions describing the history, intent, and makers of these votive tablets:

“In the Buddhist year of 1983, three hierophants--Lersi Tha Fai, Lersi Tha Wor, Lersi Narod--commission the making of these sacred tablets with their 11 great disciples. They bless and consecrate these tablets in esoteric rituals.

Blessings and boons will be bestowed upon to those who possess these tablets. Those who possess these tablets shall not experience destitution and misfortune ever again.”


中:行走佛 上二:輪佛 下二:那熱

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